When it comes to energy sector, KONČAR INEM has wide products platform. From thermal or hydro power plant equipment over equipment for renewables, transformer stations to advanced solutions for smart grids and to digital oilfield solutions. We have devices based on our control and power electronics in variety of scalable solutions backed up with corresponding software packages.
In the field of electric transportation we have been operating a number of years from the founding of the company. Thanks to intensive development, monitoring global trends and constant technological progress we have developed into a reputable and experienced manufacturer of electronic equipment and the required partner in different activities related to the railway tracks. We develop, design, produce and maintain a wide variety of electronic equipment for electric locomotives, electric trains, passenger cars and trams.
With more than 40 years of experiences in ICT, we stand as a reliable partner during the whole process – from planning through implementation to maintenance. Our ICT solutions and products are developed on modern information and communication technologies and tailored to satisfy specific client needs. According customer needs we can develop and adapt different solutions. Out teams are competent and ready to suggest and provide best fitted solutions.
- We take care about our clients
- We guarantee highest possible product quality
- We guarantee quick response
- We take care about schedules and delivery dates
- We have highly educated and motivated employees
- We rely on our tradition, quality and responsibility
Our clients about us
“Vezano na IT opremu koju nabavljamo iz KONČAR INEM-a za vlastite potrebe, ali i za niz naših krajnjih korisnika (u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu), moramo iskazati zadovoljstvo pruženom uslugom kako u vrijeme odabiranja opreme, nuđenja i naručivanja iste, tako i kvalitetom isporučenih uređaja i potporom tijekom eksploatacije. U prilog ovoj tvrdnji ide korektan, otvoren i stručan pristup u svim fazama realizacije velikih, ali i najmanjih isporuka. Pri tome primjenjujete visoke standarde kvalitete na cijelu gamu industrijskih/procesnih računala te računala koja će zavrišti na radnom stolu “običnog” korisnika ili školskoj torbi nekog đaka.”
“All-in-one desktop računala tvrtke KONČAR pokazala su se kao idealno uredsko rješenje za naše potrebe. Tiha su i pouzdana, a u odnosu na konvencionalna “tower” računala, održavanje je zanemarivo. Naši korisnici su ih rado prihvatili.”
“Kao korisniku industrijske ICT opreme u naprednim industrijskim aplikacijama, KONČAR INEM nam pruža inovativna rješenja, pravovremenu podršku i dobre cijene, te nam s time omogućava da ostanemo ispred konkurencije.”
“Cijeli posao implementacije antivirusne i antispam zaštite obavljen je u kratkom roku uz daljinsku administraciju, a kolege iz INEM-a obučili su i nas za administriranje. Osim zaustavljanja neželjenih i inficiranih mailova, za sada nismo dobili informaciju da je neki od „dobrih“ mailova završio u anti-spam filteru tako da se doima da ste (smo) učinili dobru stvar. Korisnici dosad nisu imali nikakvih primjedbi!“
Contact us
KONČAR INEM is leading regional manufacturer of Electronics and power electronics devices and systems for Energy and transportation sectors and ICT solutions.
If you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Contact usIf you have any questions about our products, please do not hesitate to contact us!