Successful commissioning of two converters KONTRAC PN30AC
Last week the engineers of Končar-INEM as a subcontractor of Končar-KET successfully commissioned two converters KONTRAC PN30AC in railway stations Pazarić and Raštelica in central Bosnia. The stations are located on part of railway line between Sarajevo and Konjic – this railway line is a vital part of railway which connects Sarajevo with Mostar and Luka Ploče.
The converters KONTRAC PN30AC are located in the railway stations facilities in which, they ensure power supply of railway signalling and protection devices in the case of power outage from the primary distribution network. In that case, power supply is ensured from the railway overhead line via transformer and the converter KONTRAC PN30AC which, on its output, enables stable power supply of railway signalling and protection devices and different consumers inside the stations facilities.